Configuring Headless Packer Virtualbox Console Access

Since I’m using Apple Silicon as my daily driver I haven’t been able to use vagrant / virtualbox locally (virtualbox isn’t supported on Apple Silicon and it does not look like there are any plans to add support but there are some potential alternatives in the works - Tart and UTM). I use packer for building custom vagrant boxes that I need for development of custom applications. Since I can’t run this setup locally I do it on a host that has as a bare metal install of Ubuntu (virtualbox can’t be installed within a VM)....

January 4, 2023 · 2 min · Me

Working with the Ansible Local Provisioner for Vagrant Boxes

I’ve been working with vagrant boxes for quite awhile now. I usually use them for development environments or creating lab environments for testing various network functions (i.e. BGP EVPN). Often times when I’m using a vagrant box I need to get it in a certain state before it’s ready for me to begin using. In the situation of creating lab environments I may need to install FRRouting on the vagrant box and then apply a configuration....

February 5, 2021 · 6 min · Me

My Flask API Setup

Typically when deploying python API’s I go with Flask. Over the years I’ve tried out a few python web frameworks but continually find myself coming back to Flask. It’s hard not to like with it’s simple setup and great documentation. Plus there’s plenty of examples out there on the internet on how to deploy Flask and use it for a variety of scenarios. It’s considered a micro framework, so it comes with the bare bones to make a web framework run but leaves you the flexibility to pick and choose the libraries to add on that make the most sense for your app....

August 19, 2019 · 2 min · Me

Creating VRFs in Linux With Python

In this post I’m going to talk about how to create, edit, and delete VRFs in linux with python. To follow along I have created a vagrant environment and example python script in github. ...

May 25, 2019 · 7 min · Me

Creating a VXLAN Tunnel in Linux with Python

In this post I’m going to talk about how to create a point to point VXLAN tunnel between two linux hosts with Python. To follow along I have created a vagrant environment and example python script in github. ...

May 7, 2019 · 3 min · Me