Configuring Headless Packer Virtualbox Console Access

Since I’m using Apple Silicon as my daily driver I haven’t been able to use vagrant / virtualbox locally (virtualbox isn’t supported on Apple Silicon and it does not look like there are any plans to add support but there are some potential alternatives in the works - Tart and UTM). I use packer for building custom vagrant boxes that I need for development of custom applications. Since I can’t run this setup locally I do it on a host that has as a bare metal install of Ubuntu (virtualbox can’t be installed within a VM)....

January 4, 2023 · 2 min · Me

Working with the Ansible Local Provisioner for Vagrant Boxes

I’ve been working with vagrant boxes for quite awhile now. I usually use them for development environments or creating lab environments for testing various network functions (i.e. BGP EVPN). Often times when I’m using a vagrant box I need to get it in a certain state before it’s ready for me to begin using. In the situation of creating lab environments I may need to install FRRouting on the vagrant box and then apply a configuration....

February 5, 2021 · 6 min · Me